
Saturday, June 20, 2020

traveler's eyes

There are moments of those pauses that we stop. We look around and peek into that moment. We find those moments of pure revelation, an epiphany of something we never really expect. That moment of pure wonder and magic.

We find ourselves following those roads that lead to nowhere but to a surprise. And there we find the true meaning of humanity. What humanity truly stand for and in the midst of that they will surprise you. Humans are indeed a very intriguing species.

As you walk to unknown places, as you may have explore the world around you, you will meet these interesting people that forever may change the way you will look at the world. Forever leaves you in that baffled of unexpected gesture that you may in a thousand years will never expect.

I have always been in the receiving end of these unexpected gestures of humanity in its purest form. From the offering of free rides to food from strangers. It’s really outstanding to look back that of all the travels I had, I have seen the goodness the world has to offer. I have seen the beauty of humanity that I seldom have seen or was seems too elusive at first glance.

There are few times that I have given up on people. I have lost hope for humanity but there are these people that have change my perspective and believe in the generosity that humans are capable.  Humans are capable of loving and caring. They are capable of giving you a hand. They are someone that could be a long lost sister, brother, mother, father, grandfather or grandmother, and most of all you will feel the love with each gesture.

Those people have forever change the way I look at the world and people. They forever change my perspective of life and how I should approach it. The best times and things in my travels is the part where I get lost and discover something beautiful in the paths that I have taken.

Only a fellow traveler will or may agree with me but for you to experience what I have, you must travel a road-less-traveled. Don’t follow a map, don’t be afraid that you are lost. Enjoy every moment of being free from the responsibilities that the world always choke us. Throw that caution in the wind, don’t think but feel the energy around you. You will be amazed how wonderful the world is. And watch as these experiences will change you forever.

Happy travels everyone!